SAP Calculations & SAP EPC`s

Do you need SAP Calculations and SAP Energy Performance Certificates?
Are you building, extending or converting?

Do you need SAP Calculations and SAP Energy Performance Certificates for new dwellings, extensions or conversions? If so, we offer a fast and affordable consultancy service and help you achieve your goals.

What are SAP Calculations?

Any dwelling created after 1st April 2008 must have an EPC certificate produced using full SAP methodology.
SAP Calcs come in two formats.  Firstly, L1A SAP Calculations for new builds and secondly, L1B SAP Calculations for extensions and conversions. The primary purpose of the calculations is to produce a SAP Energy Performance Certificate.  These are also known as SAP EPC, SAP energy performance certificate and New Build EPC.

How are SAP Calculations carried out?

The calculation is typically split into two parts:

  • The first part is the design stage. At this stage, the assessor will work up a preliminary SAP assessment based upon the proposed/assumed design and specification to see if compliance is met. If the dwelling is falling short of compliance, we work with our clients to find a solution which meets their requirements in terms or practically and budget.
  • The second part is the as-built stage. This stage will take place once a dwelling nears completion and air test has been carried out (if required). The assessor will upgrade all elements of the assessment with the final information and produce the as-built documents and issue the EPC.

It’s important that both stages take place, initially to ensure that the proposed design will meet compliance and avoid having compliance issues at the end of the project and finally to sign-off the dwelling and begin use or marketing the property.
At all stages, relevant documents will be provided to the client which can used to aid the progress, marketing or sign off of the project.

Why Choose Survey Hive?

We pride ourselves on being a reliable energy consultancy, and we have helped many homeowners, architects, self-builders and contractors gain a ‘PASS’ on their standard assessment procedure over the years.
The SAP services we offer are at an all-inclusive price, meaning we will support you right from your initial enquiry through to getting the result of your assessment – with our expert team always being there to guide you and answer any questions you may have.

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